Meet Our Team!

Rev. Brian Thomas, Pastor
Pastor Brian leads with a kind heart and open arms. He shares scripture and stories from the Bible in ways that both inspire and call us to action. He loves to see new faces and help people grow in their faith. Come meet Pastor Brian and hear the good news of Christ!

Rick Tinsley, Choir Director
We are so blessed to have Rick serving as Skipwith’s choir director! His enthusiasm and musical talent make singing in the choir a joyous occasion. For over 25 years he has helped our choir and congregation fill the church with inspirational music each Sunday that lifts our souls. We’re always looking for new members! No musical experience necessary, just a heart and voice that wants to praise the Lord in song. Join us on Wednesdays at 7 pm for practice. Come hear how beautiful praising together can sound!

Beth Braun, Accompanist
Beth was born and raised at Skipwith serving as Organist/Pianist accompanying our congregation and choir for 25+ years. She delights in playing prelude and offertory music that lightens the heart and soothes the soul! Come join us as we worship together!

Debbie Oaster, Ministry Assistant
Debbie is new to her position but not to our church! We’re so excited to have a superstar at helping us stay organized. With a big smile, she’s always ready to greet you by phone or in the church office.